Our Approach

Developing Consumer Information

The UW MSKTC, in collaboration with Model System programs, developed information materials for individuals with TBI, SCI and burn injuries, clinician, researchers, and policy makers. Information materials underwent expert and consumer reviews to ensure they were up-to-date, evidence-based, and consumer-friendly. Consumer information was developed for persons with injuries, family members, and caregivers.

UW MSKTC Consumer Factsheet Development Strategy

Step Description Participants
1. Topic Selection Topics are selected based on relevance to consumers and practitioners and lack of adequate existing Model System consumer information materials on the topic. Dissemination Committee, Consumer Advisory Group
2. Identify Lead Authors Lead authors are selected who have expertise in the topic selected and have time available to participate in the factsheet development. Dissemination Committee
3. Content Development Content is derived from existing Model Systems materials and other sources recommended by authors. Content must be evidence-based and/or based on expert consensus. Content Experts (Authors), MSKTC Staff
4. Content Review Content is reviewed to ensure accuracy, completeness and understandability of information. Feedback collected (via on-line survey) is incorporated into the factsheet by lead authors. Dissemination Committee, Content Experts (Authors), MSKTC Staff
5. Consumer Review Interviews are conducted with 3 or 4 consumers for each factsheet to ensure the information is understandable, readable, and useful. Feedback collected is incorporated into factsheet by MSKTC staff and approved by lead authors. Consumers, MSKTC Staff, Content Experts (Authors)
6. Director Approval All Model System Directors review final factsheet and approve. Directors
7. Dissemination MSKTC provides on-line (web-based) and printable (PDF) versions of the final factsheet through the MSKTC website for Model Systems to disseminate. Individual Model Systems can also request branded versions of factsheets. MSKTC Staff


Key of Participants:

  • Dissemination Committee: Representatives of the Model Systems, including directors, research staff and/or clinical staff
  • Consumer Advisory Group: Individuals with TBI, SCI or burn injuries who advise the model systems of care on issues related to consumers.
  • Content Experts (Lead Authors): Faculty, researchers and/or clinicians within the Model Systems who have expertise in the topic area
  • Directors: Director of each Model System program
  • MSKTC Staff: Faculty, information specialist, researchers, and project coordinators